Mediation is an excellent way for separating or divorcing couples to make decisions about finances/and or care of the children. It is quick and cost effective and you can make decisions about your future. There is lots of information available in the rest of the website here. Family Matters is approved by Legal Aid Agency to provide legal aid. You can find about mediation and all aspects of separation and divorce here.
There is a lot of useful information on the Advice Now website.
You can find out what the courts expect parents to do before they apply to court here .

CAFCASS has a helpful website for children and families involved in legal proceedings.
The Family Justice Young Peoples Board is a group of children and young people who have been through the court process. They have developed Top Tips for Separated Parents.
Cafcass parenting plan A useful template for parents preparing for mediation or going to court.
Advice and help for parents following separation and effects on children.
Family lives website offers help, support and information of all sorts for parents and step-parents.
24-hour helpline for parents 0808 800 2222.
Centre for Separated Families Online and e-mail support for parents and other people affected by separation of parenting apart.
See it differently A series of thought provoking videos to help parents make different choices.

Click here to visit a website set up by the government which has comprehensive information about many areas including legal issues.
Sorting out Finances on Divorce The government have published a useful guide to reaching decisions about finances following the decisions to divorce. It gives clear explanations of the ways in which decisions can be made.
The government website also has a lot of information relating to divorce and separation, and you can work your way through the process, it also has information about court fees and downloadable forms etc. Legal Aid is not generally available in family cases; however, you can access a telephone legal advice service Legal Advice Helpline on 0845 345 4345 (you will be assessed for Legal Aid).
Resolution is an organisation of family lawyers that helps families reach solutions in a non-confrontational way. Their website can provide information about all aspects of family law and lists local family lawyers who are members.

Helpful leaflets from HM Courts Service Guide for Separated Parents (CB1), Children and the Family Courts (CB7) and Divorce and looking after children.
There is useful information about financial arrangements following divorce here or if you wish to apply for a court order the Form A is here
Court Fees for making an application are currently £232.00. For those on a low income who would struggle to pay the fee and the meet the appropriate criteria, there is system known as the remission system. Form EX160a. More info can be found here.

This can be daunting but there is a lot of help around including the Court Leaflet CB1 above.
Guide to Representing Yourself in Court is very useful, however this is quite long and Family Law is near the end, P44 onwards.
Another guide from the Bar Standard Board can be found here.
Advice now good section on their website about representing yourself. They have a film about it here
The Government website (.gov.uk) gives clear information about representing yourself in the court process
Support through court charity National helpline 03000 810 006.

The Money Advice Service is a very helpful free service with information and advice on financial matters including after separation. Helpline 0300 500 5000 (Mon – Fri 8am – 6pm)
National Debt line provide a free and confidential helpline about dealing with debt 0808 808 4000.
Step Change provide free debt advice. Call 0800 138 1111 (Monday to Friday, 8am – 6pm).

The CAB Advice Website contains much information.
Child Maintenance Options has good information about options for child support and other aspects of separation. They also have a helpline 0800 988 0988.
The Wikivorce website contains lots of information and help about all aspects of divorce and separation.
The Relate website has a lot of good information on relationship issues.
The Shared Parents Information provides helpful information on shared parenting after divorce or separation.
Gingerbread provides fact sheets about aspects of being a separated parent and some good legal information.
Families Need Fathers is full of information relevant to Dads and shared parenting. They also have a helpline 0300 0300 363.
Dadsunlimited offer support and help for separated fathers who are experiencing difficulties.
Mothers Apart from their Children is a helpful website for Mums.
The Rights of Women website explains residence and contact orders in clear language and also provides many other services including free telephone legal advice for women.
The The Grandparents Association provides help, support and advice for Grandparents and their families.

National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247 provide a 24-hour support and information helpline for women experiencing domestic violence.
Men’s Advice Line For male victims of domestic abuse. Freephone 0808 8010327 Mon–Fri 9am-8pm.
Galop is the UK’s LGBT+ anti-abuse charity. They work with and for LGBT+ victims and survivors of interpersonal abuse and violence for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Call: 0800 999 5428.
StopDomesticAbuse.uk is a charity working to end domestic abuse working with victims and perpetrators.
Choose to stop-working with perpetrators to understand and end abusive behaviours – Respect Phoneline