Professor Liz Stokoe
Family Matters is delighted to announce that Professor Elizabeth Stokoe will be returning to Doncaster in May 2016 to provide a research based workshop on ensuring a high level of client engagement through written communications and web sites.
Liz is a leading academic and researcher into the influence language has on the likelihood of engaging a client in a service using language. Some of her research underpins the communication training she has developed called CARM (conversational analytic and role play methodology). This training was significantly influential in the highly successful Listening to Children (L2C) project recently completed by Family Matters.
Family Matters’ director, Stan Angel, who is organising the return visit, said “Liz is an interesting and informative speaker. Our own staff have attended her workshops previously and we have found that the skills they have learned from them have significantly enhanced our own reputation for providing high quality training and professional development. Professor Stokoe lectures on social psychology at Loughborough University and is highly published. It is fantastic that we are able to offer the opportunity to listen to an internationally recognised academic in a venue outside London.”
Further information about Liz’s visit will be available shortly so watch this space. We will publish dates and further information on our social media pages too.