Juliette made an appearance on the Mark Forrest evening radio programme on Wednesday 11th March. The discussion surrounded the recent “big money” divorce cases, and Juliette offered an insight into how mediation could help in financial cases such as these. Juliette pointed out that the disclosure required in order to take part in mediation is the same as that for the court process, and the decisions made in mediation can be made legally binding. In this particular case, Juliette noted that the documentation did not state clearly that the agreement was a full and final settlement, something which is standard in Family Matters documentation.
When asked if there was ever such a thing as an amicable divorce, Juliette said that there can be but it requires both people involved to put in as much energy and work into ending the relationship as they did in starting it, and that this may be over a longer period. Juliette emphasised that legal aid is still available for mediation, and for those who are eligible this also covers some legal advice and the drawing up of financial orders.
The programme is available here for the next 24 days. The discussion begins at approximately 14 minutes and 30 seconds into the programme, and Juliette appears at approximately 25 minutes into the programme.