Document Signature Confirmation – Arrangements for our children Your DetailsYour name*Your email address* Your telephone number*Your mediator*AgreementsConfirmation 1* I confirm, I have received, read and approve the Parenting Plan provided by my mediator Confirmation 1.1* I confirm that the documents provided in mediation are confidential and legally privileged and cannot be disclosed into the court process. Confirmation 1.2* I confirm, that the Parenting Plan or summaries prepared by Family Matters Mediate will not be disclosed into any court proceedings I understand and accept:Confirmation 5* It is important to review all documents before approving any agreements reached Confirmation 6* This online consent email will be used as my electronic signature confirming approval. Your CommentsYour CommentsWe are always trying to improve our service could you please provide a short comment about your experience of Family Matters or your mediator which can be used anonymously