We don’t want to share pensions, do I have to bring the valuation?
Yes. To be able to make informed decisions in mediation both people must have all the information about the joint financial situation, including pensions. This means information about your financial situation including pensions and the other person’s financial situation including pensions. Your solicitor will not be able to give you accurate advice unless they have all the information. The court will not make an order without all the information about your financial situation.
What is a CEV?
Pensions are different from other kinds of savings and investments. The law relating to pensions, how they are valued and how they are dealt with on divorce is complex. The starting point is to request your pension company to provide a Cash Equivalent Value. It may take some time for this information to be provided so it is a good idea to request it early.
What about my state pension?
You can request a state pension forecast by completing Form BR19 and additional state pension/protected payment forecast by completing BR20, available to download on the government website.
You can find out more about a state pension statement here
Or about your pension forcast here
My pension is in payment do we have to talk about it?
Yes. Even if a pension is in payment you will be required to provide the document giving the cash benefit value of the pension.